Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Pearson Education Limited, 2002, 2003 - 487.

Longman english grammar practice ответы

Based on the insights and discoveries of the ground-breaking Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English, this new book brings fresh perspective to the study of English grammar. The Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English is a pedagogical coursebook for advanced students at university or on teacher-training courses, and an invaluable reference grammar. It combines a comprehensive examination of grammatical structure with information about the how, when, and why of the English as it is really used.


LONGMAN ENGLISH GRAMMAR [L.G. ALEXANDER] О Rahva Raamat. Доставка начиная с 24Ч и бесплатно. Купить книгу «Longman English Grammar» автора L. Alexander и другие произведения в разделе Книги в интернет-магазине OZON.ru. Доступны цифровые, печатные и аудиокниги. На сайте вы можете почитать отзывы, рецензии, отрывки. Мы бесплатно доставим книгу «Longman English Grammar». Скачать / Download - Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Скачать бесплатно Longman Grammar Express - компьютерный тренажер английской грамматики - обучающая.

Категория: автор (author): Marjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner издательство (publisher): год (year): 2007 язык (language): английский (english) формат (format): PDF, CD-Exe (ISO) Описание: Longman Grammar Express это обучение с начального уровня и до продвинутого. Курс делает упор на практические упражнения и тесты. Более 600 упражнений, 12 тестов по 25 вопросов каждый - помогут в совершенстве усвоить и закрепить основные правила английской грамматики.

Идеален для закрепления грамматических навыков. Задания охватывают основные четыре области: Чтение, Говорение, Аудирование, Написание. В архиве Вы найдете две книги Basic English Grammar Express и English Grammar Express с ответами, а также компьютерный тренажер грамматики.

Для избежания проблем запуска тренажера - запускайте в режиме совместимости с правами администратора. Now there's a Grammar Express designed just for beginning and low-intermediate students!

Appropriate for self-study or classroom use, Grammar Express Basic uses highly controlled vocabulary, abundant illustrations, and slower pacing to quickly bring students up to speed. The program's concise, four-page units present and practice grammar points in context, using topics of interest and relevance to learners. Clear grammar charts with explanations, examples, and usage notes illustrate how English speakers use each grammar point. A variety of contextualized exercises progress from simple to more challenging, while frequent opportunities for assessment keep readers on track for success. Additional support includes Appendices with helpful lists and information, an Answer Key, and a Glossary of grammar terms.

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Grammar Express Basic is an interactive CD-ROM for beginning and low-intermediate English learners.It includes extensive practice exercises that teach grammar using the four skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Features: - More than 600 activities, including a wide variety of exercise types, allow students to customize their learning to best suit their needs. Grammar points are introduced through dynamic animations that illustrate how grammar works.

Longman English Grammar Practice Ответы

Explanations and notes on practice items provide students with instant feedback and reinforce their knowledge. 12 Tests, each with 25 questions, help students assess their progress. 27 Appendices provide students with useful information for reference. Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с - Клик на названии - скачать - Click on title - download Ставьте лайки, рассказывайте друзьям, ищите нас в сетях: Like and Repost, please. Find Me in Social Networks.